Электронная библиотека (репозиторий) Томского государственного университета
Title Hits Visitors Downloads
Single layer nickel disilicide on surface and as embedded layer 612 686 84
Two-dimensional in-Sb compound on silicon as a quantum spin hall insulator 833 832 4
Large spin splitting of metallic surface-state bands at adsorbate-modified gold/silicon surfaces 3664 3647 6
A strategy to create spin-split metallic bands on silicon using a dense alloy layer 4204 4183 5
(Tl, Au)/Si(1 1 1)√7×√7 2D compound: an ordered array of identical Au clusters embedded in Tl matrix 1370 1346 3
Electronic properties of the two-dimensional (Tl, Rb)/Si(1 1 1)√3x√3 compound having a honeycomb-like structure 847 847 3
Synthesis of two-dimensional TlxBi1-x compounds and Archimedean encoding of their atomic structure 2526 2664 174
Electronic band structure of a Tl/Sn atomic sandwich on Si(111) 2811 3039 263
C60 capping of metallic 2D Tl-Au compound with preservation of its basic properties at the buried interface 1694 1683 4
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Bondarenko, Leonid V.

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Bondarenko, Leonid V.

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